Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Week of October 30 - November 3

Block 1
NBT.6:  Division
OA.1:  Multiplication Comparisons
OA.2:  Word problems with multiplication and division
OA.3:  Multistep word problems *We are wrapping up several in-class projects for multiplication and division.
*We continue to work in small groups, as well as whole groups, on multiplication compressions, as well as multistep word problems involving multiplication and division.
**Every Friday:  Timed Multiplication Quiz**
**Word Problem Quiz:  Friday, 11/3**
IXL - E.11 and E.16 (Due 11/3, but okay if not finished as I was absent on Tuesday and didn't assign it until Wednesday!)
Division Word Problem Worksheet (Due 11/2)

Block 2
NBT. 5:  Multiplication
OA.4:  Factors, multiples, prime, composite
*We are wrapping up the multiplication part of this unit.  We are working in small groups to review factors, multiples, prime, composite, and the strategies (area model and partial product) that we have learned to help us solve multi-digit multiplication problems.
*We are also working in small groups to sharpen our multiplication facts.  Students are playing games and working together to hone in on the important skills of multiplication.
No math homework this week!

E3:  Water Cycle
- Investigations to observe the flow of energy in water as it changes from solid to liquid to gas and vice versa.
- Models to illustrate multiple pathways water may take during the water cycle (evaporation, condensation, and precipitation).
*We are presenting our simple machines this week.  Students did a great job with these!  I've loved seeing all of their creativity.
*We are moving into our new unit...Weather!!!  We will be investigating the water cycle and how water can change from a solid, to a liquid, to a gas and vice versa.  

Social Studies
SS4H4: The student will explain the causes, events, and results of the American Revolution.
- Describe key individuals in the American Revolution with emphasis on King George III, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Benedict Arnold, Patrick Henry, and John Adams
*We will introduce important people in the American Revolutionary War.
Study people of the Revolutionary War flip book (in social studies journals)
**People of the Revolutionary War Quiz - Thursday, 11/2**

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