Monday, December 4, 2017

Week of December 4 - December 8

Upcoming Events:
Friday, 12/15:  Holiday Party

Block 1
G.1 lines
G.2 2-dimensional figures, right triangles
G.3 lines of symmetry
MD.5 concepts of angles
MD.6 protractors
MD.7 +/- to find unknown angles

*We continue working through our Geometry unit. This week we will focus on identifying lines and angles in two-dimensional figures.
**Lines and Angles QUIZ - Wednesday, 12/6**
IXL - W.3 and Z.5 (Due Friday, 12/8)

Block 2
NBT.6:  Division

*We are coming to the end of our Division unit.  This week we will focus on error analysis in division word problems, as well as multiplicative comparisons. 
**Division SUMMATIVE - Friday, 12/8**
IXL - E.9

E4: Weather events and patterns, to include:
- Weather instruments used in gathering weather data and making forecasts (thermometer, rain gauge, barometer, wind vane, and anemometer)
- Weather Maps to identify fronts (warm, cold, and stationary), temperature, and precipitation and make predictions
- Cloud types (cirrus, stratus, and cumulus)
- Data collection of cloud types and weather conditions to predict events and patterns
- Research to communicate the differences between weather and climate

* We will continue learning about weather this week. Our focus will be on clouds and fronts and how we can use that information to predict weather.
**Weather Instrument QUIZ - Wednesday, 12/6**
Study Weather Instrument information in science journals.

Social Studies

SS4H2 Challenges faced by framers of the constitution, to include:
- Major Leaders: James Madison, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin
- Major Issues debated: Articles of Confederation, federal system, Great Compromise, and slavery (Three-Fifth’s  Compromise)

*We are beginning our unit on A New Nation. This week we will focus on the major issues debated in America as our country was trying to find its footing in the world.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Week of November 27 - December 1

Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, 11/29:  MAP Reading
Thursday, 11/30:  MAP Math
Friday, 12/1:  MAP ELA
Friday, 12/15:  Holiday Party

Block 1
G.1 lines
G.2 2-dimensional figures, right triangles
G.3 lines of symmetry
MD.5 concepts of angles
MD.6 protractors
MD.7 +/- to find unknown angles

*We will continue working on lines (perpendicular, parallel, and intersecting) and angles (right, acute, obtuse, and straight). We will also start measuring angles with a protractor and discuss solving for unknown angles.

Block 2
NBT.6:  Division

*We will continue working in small groups on our division strategy, partial quotient.  We will use holiday story problems to build this skill.  

E3:  Water Cycle
- Investigations to observe the flow of energy in water as it changes from solid to liquid to gas and vice versa.

E4: Weather events and patterns, to include:
- Weather instruments used in gathering weather data and making forecasts (thermometer, rain gauge, barometer, wind vane, and anemometer)

* We will continue discussing and researching different weather instruments and how they are used to gather data and make predictions about the weather.  

Social Studies

*We will be making corrections to our Revolutionary War Summative.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Week of November 13 - November 17

Upcoming Events:
Monday, 11/20 - Friday, 11/24:  Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, 11/29:  MAP Reading
Thursday, 11/30:  MAP Math
Friday, 12/1:  MAP ELA

Block 1
G.1 lines
G.2 2-dimensional figures, right triangles
G.3 lines of symmetry
MD.5 concepts of angles
MD.6 protractors
MD.7 +/- to find unknown angles

*We are staring our new unit this week...GEOMETRY! We will be exploring lines, angles, and 2-dimensional figures this week.
Identifying Lines Worksheet (Due tomorrow)
IXL - W.5 and W.4 (Due Friday)

Block 2
NBT.6:  Division

*We continue to work in small groups on division, as well as basic multiplication facts.  

E3:  Water Cycle
- Investigations to observe the flow of energy in water as it changes from solid to liquid to gas and vice versa.

E4: Weather events and patterns, to include:
- Weather instruments used in gathering weather data and making forecasts (thermometer, rain gauge, barometer, wind vane, and anemometer)

*We will investigate how water changes from a solid to a liquid to a gas.
* We will begin discussing and researching different weather instruments and how they are used to gather data and make predictions about the weather.  
**Solid to Liquid to Gas Quiz**
Block 1:  Thursday, 11/16
Block 2:  Friday, 11/17
Nightly - Study "Solid to Liquid to Gas" Information Sheet.

Social Studies
SS4H4: The student will explain the causes, events, and results of the American Revolution..
- Describe the major events of the American Revolution and explain the factors leading to American victory and British defeat; include the Battles of Lexington and Concord, Saratoga, and Yorktown

*We will be reviewing for our unit summative.
**Revolutionary War Summative: Friday, 11/17**
Nightly - Study "Forming a New Nation" study guide.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Secret Santa

If you are interested in volunteering or making a donation for Secret Santa, please visit the link below.  Thank you!
Secret Santa Volunteer and Donation Survey Form

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Week of November 6 - November 10

Upcoming Events:
Friday, 11/10: Thanksgiving Feast
Monday, 11/13:  All Pro Dad's Breakfast
Monday, 11/20 - Friday, 11/24:  Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, 11/29:  MAP Reading
Thursday, 11/30:  MAP Math
Friday, 12/1:  MAP ELA


Block 1
NBT.6:  Division
OA.1:  Multiplication Comparisons
OA.2:  Word problems with multiplication and division
OA.3:  Multistep word problems
*We are wrapping up several in-class projects for multiplication and division.
*We continue to work in small groups, as well as whole groups, on multiplication comparisons, as well as multistep word problems involving multiplication and division.
**Thursday, 11/9: Division Summative**
**Every Friday:  Timed Multiplication Quiz**
Division Review (will be given to them on Monday and checked on Tuesday)

Block 2
NBT.6:  Division
*We will be introducing division this week.  
*We will work in small groups to learn a division strategy called partial quotient.  We will also work in small groups to sharpen our multiplication facts.
IXL - E.1 and E.3 (due Friday)

E3:  Water Cycle
- Investigations to observe the flow of energy in water as it changes from solid to liquid to gas and vice versa.
- Models to illustrate multiple pathways water may take during the water cycle (evaporation, condensation, and precipitation).
*We are presenting our simple machines this week.  Students did a great job with these!  I've loved seeing all of their creativity.
*We continue to investigate the water cycle and how water can change from a solid, to a liquid, to a gas and vice versa.  
**Water Cycle Quiz**
Block 1 - Wed., 11/8
Block 2 - Thurs., 11/9

Study all information in journals regarding the water cycle.

Social Studies
SS4H4: The student will explain the causes, events, and results of the American Revolution..
- Describe the major events of the American Revolution and explain the factors leading to American victory and British defeat; include the Battles of Lexington and Concord, Saratoga, and Yorktown
*We will be discussing the important battles of the Revolutionary War this week.
**Battles of the Revolutionary War Quiz - Friday, 11/10**
Study Battles of the Revolutionary War worksheet.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

DA$H Money and Square ONE Art Orders

DA$H Money:
DA$H money is due THIS FRIDAY.  Let me know if you've already turned in money, but you received a notice otherwise.  Thank you again for supporting efforts at RBES to improve our school for the students!

Square ONE Art:
Monday is the last day for sending in your Square ONE art order.  You can order via the Square ONE website, phone, or by sending in your paper order to school.  Thanks for supporting our art program!  Contact Ms. Stephanie at with any questions.  Orders will be shipped to the school the last week in November.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Week of October 30 - November 3

Block 1
NBT.6:  Division
OA.1:  Multiplication Comparisons
OA.2:  Word problems with multiplication and division
OA.3:  Multistep word problems *We are wrapping up several in-class projects for multiplication and division.
*We continue to work in small groups, as well as whole groups, on multiplication compressions, as well as multistep word problems involving multiplication and division.
**Every Friday:  Timed Multiplication Quiz**
**Word Problem Quiz:  Friday, 11/3**
IXL - E.11 and E.16 (Due 11/3, but okay if not finished as I was absent on Tuesday and didn't assign it until Wednesday!)
Division Word Problem Worksheet (Due 11/2)

Block 2
NBT. 5:  Multiplication
OA.4:  Factors, multiples, prime, composite
*We are wrapping up the multiplication part of this unit.  We are working in small groups to review factors, multiples, prime, composite, and the strategies (area model and partial product) that we have learned to help us solve multi-digit multiplication problems.
*We are also working in small groups to sharpen our multiplication facts.  Students are playing games and working together to hone in on the important skills of multiplication.
No math homework this week!

E3:  Water Cycle
- Investigations to observe the flow of energy in water as it changes from solid to liquid to gas and vice versa.
- Models to illustrate multiple pathways water may take during the water cycle (evaporation, condensation, and precipitation).
*We are presenting our simple machines this week.  Students did a great job with these!  I've loved seeing all of their creativity.
*We are moving into our new unit...Weather!!!  We will be investigating the water cycle and how water can change from a solid, to a liquid, to a gas and vice versa.  

Social Studies
SS4H4: The student will explain the causes, events, and results of the American Revolution.
- Describe key individuals in the American Revolution with emphasis on King George III, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Benedict Arnold, Patrick Henry, and John Adams
*We will introduce important people in the American Revolutionary War.
Study people of the Revolutionary War flip book (in social studies journals)
**People of the Revolutionary War Quiz - Thursday, 11/2**

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Secret Santa and Lost & Found

It's Secret Santa Time!  
If you would like to help with this year's Secret Santa, please use this Secret Santa Survey Link to complete a short survey.  Mrs. Porter will contact you about how you would like to help.
You can help by:
  • Purchasing a specific gift or gifts from a child's wish list 
  • Making a financial contribution to Secret Santa.
  • Volunteering your time to organize the Secret Santa boxes and items.
  • Volunteering your time to shop with donated money.

The Growing Mound of Lost and Found
As we've had cooler and wetter weather, we've started seeing the Lost and Found Mound growing again.  Please ask your child to look through Lost and Found for any lost items.  If you are planning to join us for Thanksgiving Lunch, please take the time to look through Lost and Found while you are here. It will be organized to help you look so you don't have to search The Mound!

Also, please help by putting your child's name in all jackets, sweatshirts, or sweaters that he/she wears to school. (lunchboxes and water bottles, too)  We really do look for names and will return them to your child IF the item has a name in it.  Any items still in Lost and Found on Thursday, November 26 will be washed and donated.  Items in good condition are sold at a consignment store and the proceeds go to RBES Secret Santa or counseling needs that arise throughout the school year.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Week of October 23 - October 27

Block 1
NBT.5:  Multiplication
NBT. 6:  Division
*We will review Monday and Tuesday for our Multiplication Summative.  
*We will make corrections to the summative on Thursday.
*We will jump back into division on Wednesday.  We will continue to work on partial quotient using story problems to dig deeper into the standard.  
**PARTIAL QUOTIENT QUIZ:  Friday, 10/27**

Block 2
NBT. 5:  Multiplication
OA.4:  Factors, multiples, prime, composite
*We will review factors, multiples, prime, and composite daily through conversations taking place as we work through multiplication strategies and story problems.  
*We are reviewing our multiplication strategies of area model and partial product.  
NIGHTLY - Practice multiplication facts at home.  
Please go to the 'math games' tab at the top of my blog to find different games to play in order to practice multiplication facts.

**UNIT SUMMATIVE: Tuesday, 10/24**
*We will make corrections to the summative on Thursday and begin our new unit, weather, on Friday.
Study Forces & Motion and Simple Machine Review AND Vocabulary

Social Studies
SS4H4: The student will explain the causes, events, and results of the American Revolution.
- Describe key individuals in the American Revolution with emphasis on King George III, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Benedict Arnold, Patrick Henry, and John Adams
*We will introduce important people in the American Revolutionary War.
NIGHTLY - Look over "People of the Revolutionary War" flip book that is glued down in their Social Studies journal.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Important Science Summative Information

The Forces & Motion and Simple Machine Summative has been moved from this Friday (October 20th) to Tuesday (October 24th).  However, this Friday (October 20th) we will have a quiz over Simple Machines.  Students should have everything they need to study for their vocabulary quiz, as well as their summative.  Please see below for all the different tools they have to study.
- Vocabulary packet
- Six Simple Machine graphic organizer
- Forces & Motion and Simple Machine Study Guide

Monday, October 16, 2017

Week of October 16 - October 20

Battle of the Books
For students who are competing in the Battle of the Books competition, this link to the Media Center website has the book list, journal/question page, and parent letter.
Battle of the Books Information

Block 1
NBT. 6:  Division
*We continue working on our multiplication project independently during class time.

*Small groups will be pulled throughout the week to introduce division using PARTIAL QUOTIENT.  
IXL - Any unfinished IXL assignments 
(A.11, C.7, D.3, D.4, D.23, D.30, H.3, L.7, and L.8)
**Please have your child login to IXL and check to make sure they have completed these assignments!!!  The goal is to score a 90 or higher.**

These are assignments that date back to September.  This is a lot of work to complete in one week.  If your child hasn't completed these assignments, please use this as an opportunity to speak with them about the importance of homework completion.  Please encourage them to do as much as they can this week in order to get as many of the incomplete assignments finished.

Block 2
NBT. 5:  Multiplication
OA.4:  Factors, multiples, prime, composite

*We continue to work on factors, multiples, and prime & composite numbers through small group interactions.
*We continue to work on area model and partial product strategies to solve multi-digit multiplication problems.
IXL - Any unfinished IXL assignments 
(A.10, A.11, B.2, C.7, D.3, D.4, D.5, L.7, and L.8)
**Please have your child login to IXL and check to make sure they have completed these assignments!!!  The goal is to score a 90 or higher.**
These are assignments that date back to September.  This is a lot of work to complete in one week.  If your child hasn't completed these assignments, please use this as an opportunity to speak with them about the importance of homework completion.  Please encourage them to do as much as they can this week in order to get as many of the incomplete assignments finished.

GSES4P3: Relationships between balanced and unbalanced forces, to include: - An investigation on the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces.
- Simple machines (lever, pull, wedge, inclined plane, wheel and axle, and screw)
- Impact of simple machines on forces

*We will review for our unit summative this week.
Study Forces & Motion and Simple Machine Review AND Vocabulary
**Simple Machines Quiz:  Friday, 10/20**

Social Studies
SS4H4: The student will explain the causes, events, and results of the American Revolution.
- Describe key individuals in the American Revolution with emphasis on King George III, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Benedict Arnold, Patrick Henry, and John Adams

*We will introduce important people in the American Revolutionary War.
NIGHTLY - Look over "Causes of the American Revolutionary War" worksheet.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

DA$H, NOHS Homecoming Parade, & Report Cards

DA$H for Excellence 
October 20th, we will run the DA$H in Block 2. My Block 2 class will run at 1:05-1:20.  Parents who are not already volunteering may attend, however, you must remain in the "spectator section".

NOHS Homecoming Parade
On Thursday, October 19th, Rocky Branch 5th graders will be walking in the NOHS parade.

COME JOIN US!  Students who are interested in joining should wear comfortable shoes, bring a bag of candy and meet at the RBES bus lanes by 5:40pm.  Wear your RBES spirit wear or Titan spirit wear.  Please be on time!  The parade line up begins at 6:00.

Report Cards
Report cards come home this Friday, October 13th. Please be sure to look over your child's report card and sign & return JUST the envelope.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Week of October 10 - October 13

Block 1
NBT. 5:  Multiplication
*We will be using real life application through story problems to work on each of these strategies.
*We are nearing the portion of the unit and are doing a multiplication project as a culminating activity.  Be sure to ask you child about their 'resort' project!
IXL - H.3 and D.23 (Due Friday, 10/13)

Block 2
NBT. 5:  Multiplication
OA.4:  Factors, multiples, prime, composite
*We continue to work on factors, multiples, and prime & composite numbers through small group interactions.
*We continue to work on area model and partial product strategies to solve multi-digit multiplication problems.
IXL - A.11 (Due Friday, 10/13)
**QUIZ (10/13) - Multiplication Strategies, Factors, Multiples, 
Prime & Composite**

GSES4P3: Relationships between balanced and unbalanced forces, to include: - An investigation on the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces.
- Simple machines (lever, pull, wedge, inclined plane, wheel and axle, and screw)
- Impact of simple machines on forces
*We continue our investigation into simple machines and how they make our lives easier.
Study Forces & Motion Vocabulary
**QUIZ (10/13) - Forces & Motion**

Social Studies
SS4H4: The student will explain the causes, events, and results of the American Revolution.
- Trace the events that shaped the revolutionary movement in America, including the French and Indian War, British Imperial Policy that led to the 1765 Stamp Act, the slogan “no taxation without representation,” the activities of the Sons of Liberty, and the Boston Tea Party.
- Explain the writing of the Declaration of Independence; include who wrote it, how it was written, why it was necessary, and how it was a response to tyranny and the abuse of power.
- Describe the major events of the American Revolution and explain the factors leading to American victory and British defeat; include the Battles of Lexington and Concord, Saratoga, and Yorktown.
- Describe key individuals in the American Revolution with emphasis on King George III, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Benedict Arnold, Patrick Henry, and John Adams
*We will discuss vocabulary and causes of the American Revolutionary war.
*We will finish learning about the causes of the American Revolutionary War.
NIGHTLY - Look over "Causes of the American Revolutionary War" worksheet.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Secret Santa Information

If your family is in need of assistance during the holiday time, please contact Mrs. Porter, our school counselor for information regarding the Secret Santa program.  All Secret Santa applications will be due on Friday, October 27, 2017.  Mrs. Porter's Phone:  706-769-3235 Ext 1307 or Email:

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

NOHS Homecoming Events

A Message from NOHS. . . .

NOHS will have a Homecoming parade, bonfire, and food trucks on 10/19 from 6-8pm in the NOHS gravel lot. The parade will be held at 6:30pm along Titan Way, and the bonfire/community pep rally will begin at 7:15pmThe following food trucks will be there: The Varsity, Mac the Cheese, and Kona Ice.  Follow the link below to pre-order food:
You won't want to miss this fun community event!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Week of October 2 - Ocotber 5

*Field Trip on Thursday, 10/5
*No school on Friday, 10/6 (teacher workday) or Monday, 10/9 (Fall break)

Block 1
NBT. 5:  Multiplication
OA.4:  Factors, multiples, prime, composite
*We continue to work on multiplication strategies, as well as factors, multiples, and prime & composite numbers.  
*We will be using real life application through story problems to work on each of these strategies.

Block 2
NBT. 5:  Multiplication
OA.4:  Factors, multiples, prime, composite
*We continue to work on factors, multiples, and prime & composite numbers through small group interactions.
*We will introduce two multiplication strategies this week; partial product and area model.  Please talk to your kids about these strategies and have them show you how they work!
IXL:  D.3 and D.5 (Due Thursday, 10/5)
*For D.5, please make sure students use one of the two strategies they've been taught to solve the multiplication equations.

GSES4P3: Relationships between balanced and unbalanced forces, to include: - An investigation on the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces.
- An argument to support the claim that gravitational force affects the motion of an object.
- Simple machines (lever, pull, wedge, inclined plane, wheel and axle, and screw)
- Impact of simple machines on forces
*This week we will wrap up our investigations into why gravitational forces affect the motion of an object.
*We will begin learning about simple machines and their impact on forces.

Social Studies
SS4H4: The student will explain the causes, events, and results of the American Revolution.
- Trace the events that shaped the revolutionary movement in America, including the French and Indian War, British Imperial Policy that led to the 1765 Stamp Act, the slogan “no taxation without representation,” the activities of the Sons of Liberty, and the Boston Tea Party.
- Explain the writing of the Declaration of Independence; include who wrote it, how it was written, why it was necessary, and how it was a response to tyranny and the abuse of power.
- Describe the major events of the American Revolution and explain the factors leading to American victory and British defeat; include the Battles of Lexington and Concord, Saratoga, and Yorktown.
- Describe key individuals in the American Revolution with emphasis on King George III, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Benedict Arnold, Patrick Henry, and John Adams
*We will discuss vocabulary and causes of the American Revolutionary war.
*We will finish learning about the causes of the American Revolutionary War.
Study the "Causes of the American Revolutionary War" worksheet.